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GTR Vision

GTR combines both the traditional and modern financial structure into a new open and transparent opportunity to generate a truly decentralised cryptocurrency funded hedge fund. Over a 4 year period the aim is to move from asset accumulation to revenue generation, transforming the project from a token based utility to an NFT based format that leaves all remaining participants with potentially life changing passive income.

The GTR SOlution

GTR offers something entirely unique and remarkable: a tailor made way to open the doors of hedge fund trading to the masses. Traditionally, highly skilled individuals, such as traders, were only able to work for large corporations and hedge funds if they wanted access to the capital needed to work as a trader. This centralised system functionally excluded the cast majority of people from access to these types of individuals and the benefits that they confer. GTR has developed an ecosystem that allows ordinary contributors to utilise the blockchain, facilitating interaction between traders and contributors without centralised corporations acting as monopolistic middlemen.

Our trading team possesses superlative trading acumen, financial professionalism, and a level of market knowledge and expertise rarely encountered in the traditional finance space, much less the DeFi space. Ghost Trader has established a disruptive FinTech ecosystem that provides participants  with multiple opportunities to gain returns.

GTR Mechanics

GTR is established on the Ethereum network and initially created a 1m trading fund, via private contributors, early adopters and its growing bank of supporters. The tokenomics mechanism insures this will continue to grow. The Ghost Trader and his team trade this fund in traditional markets like gold, forex, oil and indices. The monthly profits are distributed to GTR token holders and GTR NFT owners in USDC.  Diversifying out of the crypto markets and receiving rewards in BUSD creates monthly rewards not reliant on the token price or crypto markets.

NFT holders have the opportunity to not only compound their monthly rewards but also add additional funds through the top-up function. Contributors can use the token to accumulate capital and rewards, gradually moving them into the stability of their NFT.

To work towards meaningful passive income a growing trading fund is key. The GTR Trading Fund continues to grow monthly with NFT holders and the GTR Company compounding rewards, top-ups by NFT holders and NFT taxes driving the growth. Unlike other reward tokens, the GTR rewards are not linked to buy and sell taxes from the token, and are therefore not reliant on high token traffic.